
Day 4, gone trekking

We've got some good sleep ( even the giant cockroach sitting on my toothbrush at night didn't spoil it....) and long exciting day is ahead of us. First flight to Lukla, than hike to our first lodge. We will be out trekking 15 days, i will try to have nice pictures and good stories to put on the blog when I return.


Day three

Today is a rest day. We need to get some supply for our trekking trip and we are meeting with our guide today to talk about the details. I also need to sort out my stuff to downsize it to more managable weight, as we will be trekking without a porter. No need to bring my netbook, there will be no internet and no power for most of the trip.

Day two

I met up with my trekking buddy Kat. We teamed up with the boys and after they awesome negotiating stills, we rented a car with a driver for the whole day to go see some of many UNESCO sides near Kathmandu.
We went to see few temples first and I was taken back by the colores and people. white buildings decorated with red, yellow, green and blue praying flags. Women wearing colorful saris and  monkeys running around.
Than we visited Hindu temple,  where I somehow unexpectedly got to whiteness local funerals, which are performed in a for us Westerners, somehow   shocking way of burning the death bodies by the river.  I was overwhelmed, getting sick from the smell of burning bodies, not really understanding why they even allow the tourist to come here.  I guess I knew I will get bit of a culture shock at some point and that was it for me.
I got in a little better mood after we went on got to watch the monkeys playing.
We went to an old town to just for the time for the sunset. walking through narrow streets with old wooden buildings. Seems like it is a place where the locals spend free time, with only few tourists around.
It was a long day and we were glad to get back to our " tourist bubble " Thamel, where me and Kat found a room overlooking garden near the center.
Dinner in the near restaurant was nice, and I finally got some time to call my mom and my bank, and download the pictures from the trip.
The good feeling from the day got spoiled after Kat came back from the town, without her I pad, that got taken away from her.  we tried to find a way to locate it, but unfortunately it seems to be lost forever.

Day one, finally here!

I am trying to organize my thoughts, but there is so much happening .
2 flights and than long long layover on Delhi, where i was taking nap with my new Swedish  "airport"friends surrounded by new and shiny duty free shops.
Followed by flight to Kathmandu in a old airplane, full of people and smells. And than we got closer to landing and you could see the mountains and little houses on top of the hills and little terrace fields around them. What a beauty!
Landing was rough,  and the little airport was old fashion, so much different then its shiny bigger sister in Delhi.
I got my visa, for 30 days for now . I met two brothers from Slovak . My guide Krishna was waiting for me with my name ob the board, and agreed to take the boys to town with me.
So there I was, in the taxi, sitting between the boys on the back seat, taking in the sunset view of the Himalayas, while trying to listen to what my guide was taking about, praying that the crazy ride on the wrong side of the street would be over soon, checking out And trying not to be shocked by what I was expecting to see... Poor people along side the road, sorting out trash, old buildings, more local people everywhere and yes! The cow crossing the street...
Walking in the streets of Thamel ( center of Kathmandu) was exciting, with streets narrow just for one car and you have cars passing you by centimeters and you see rickshaws and motorcycles and tourists and shops and more shops.
The town is lit up with christmas lights and flower chains are hanging in the windows.
And the noises and the smells, not always pleasant.
Our hotel is ugly , but cheap, bathroom has bucket flushing toilet and no toilet paper and I can hear the music from near bar that will most likely stay open whole night.
I can's sleep, there is so much going on!
I can't wait to see more tomorrow!


packing and packing

Few hours of hard work and I am at 11kgs, without camera and netbook. Backpack is too full. Round two tomorrow, let`s see what else can I leave behind. I need some space for all the new things I will buy on the way!


I started packing today, made a pile of stuff. How the heck am I going to squeeze all that into my little backpack?
I am not stressing yet, got my travel insurance today, have almost all the recommended things for my first aid bag and getting my last rabies shot this Friday.
Just got an e-mail from trekking company in Kathmandu, that I might be able to pay for my trip to Everest Base Camp after I arrive, and save myself hours of work and $50 for fees, to send US$ from Czech account to Nepal account. They also offer airport pick up, that would be nice, I am sure that I will need little break after 24 hours of travel.


Prague, Ceske Svycarsko a Cesky Raj

I spent last week in Prague, where I had to apply for my transit visa for India. I took advantage of having have to wait for 7 days and visited my friends who live around  Prague.
 My friend Mirek took me to his old cabin in Ceske Svycarko National Park for weekend. The weather changed, and we got first snow of the season. It covered the colorful leaves with few cm of white snow. How pretty! There are Lot's of rock towers and the area is known to be great for climbing .
I visited the Indian Embassy on Monday, it was not far from the castle, so I walked around the old town for little.
I spend few days with my friends living outside of Prague and had good time talking about old times.
I found a great deal for a hostel located on one of the old streets in Prague, near Charles Bridge, Castle and Old Town. US10 got me a bed in newly and clean decorated hostel. It was first time ever I spend night in central of Prague and enjoyed it a lot. It was nice to be able to be a real tourist in the town and maybe enjoy it the way tourists do. I took some nice night photos with full moon.
The next day I took a train to Turnov, to visit my friend Adel. Turnov is near Cesky Raj  (Bohemian Paradise). I had great time drinking good wine and eating good food cooked by Adel's mom. We spent a day hiking around the beautiful nature. Trees had all the colors of the Autumn and trail took us to old castles in the woods and rock towers. Paradise indeed!
I took the train back to Prague, to stay in my hostel for one more night. I had few beers with my Friend Mirek, who gave me a local tour including walking up to the park Letna to see the town all lit up below us.
Cloudy skies the next day for my last few hours in the city. Having  pizza and good Czech beer with my friend Tom and than quick trip to the Embassy, where my passport waited for me with new transit Visa, ending my little get away  by long train ride home.

Ceske Svycarsko N.P.


 Cesky Raj