


Modern big city with exotic touch. I flew through Dubai before, but this time I decided to stop over for few days and check it out.

Getting from airport to the city center was easy with the fast and clean Metro. My hotel was 15 min or so walk from the stop and easy to find thanks to google maps on my phone.

I walked into the fancy lobby felling just a little out of place with my backpack. I booked a stay in Marco Polo Hotel. I don't treat myself to 4 star hotels too often so I was excited to be able to do so for only $50 night ( thanks Agoda).

I got a nice upgrade and soon was in a big room with everything I could ask for in it. It was little outdated, but clean and welcoming. Exciting breakfast buffet was included in the price. But the biggest plus was the outdoor pool.

Day one

Gold and Spice Souks in Diera

I left early the first morning to visit the old town Dubai. I walked the small streets of the gold souk, with endless gold jewelry on display in shop windows , than I continued into even smaller and darker streets of the spice souks, smelling and admiring the varieties and colours of the spices. 

That all while the shop owners and street sellers were trying to talk me into coming in the shops to at least look at all what they have in it. Pressure was strong, but I managed to not spend too much money. Of couse I couldn't resist bargaining with the sellers and buying some spices, dates, nuts and tea to take home as presents. 

I left the markets behind and got on Abra ( boat) to get across the Creek and walked to the Metro. The local metro system is easy to navigate and not expensive. Day pass is 22 DHs ( $7). There are few only female and kids trains in the front which are always less busy and free of stinky males -).

I found refuge from the 39C heat in the near Dubai Mall. I strolled around enjoying window shopping and the cold blast of AC.

Afternoon was all about pool time and hydrating. I was starving... oh I didn't tell you about Ramadan!

Ramadan is big in Dubai. Instructed by the hotel staff I knew to wear covering clothing and not to eat or drink in public. Not drinking rule includes water! Restaurants were closed until 7pm. I just couldn't wait for the evening to come when the streets got busy with life, restaurants opened and atmosphere would get festive with people happy and almost euphoric from overeating.

Day two

I staffed myself with breakfast, making sure I ate enough to keep me going till the evening. My laptop decided to die in the morning. Thankfully Dubai is know for it's huge and modern shopping malls. I optioned for Emirates Mall. It is big and even has a indoor ski area! I took my time visiting all electronic shops. Succsess! I have a new laptop!

I stopped in new and impressive Dubai Marina after, but couldn't walk around for too long, the heat was just at it's worst and with all the restaurant closed along the waterfront there were no places to hide from it.

So I returned to the hotel to work on my tan.

I came out again in the evening to pick up my now favorite kebab roll from small shawarma restaurant in Deira and stroll around the streets people watching.

Last day

I spent most of the morning by the pool, saving my energy for the long transfer day. I went out in the evening for my last walk around and than took the Metro to the airport.

It turned out I was flying from the oldest and only terminal NOT accessible by the metro. I had to take a taxi. I optioned for the pink female taxi with female driver, just out of curiosity. I had a good chat with my driver while she drove me to the Terminal 3.

My flight was leaving at 3 am, with stop over in Istambul for long 5 hours. 13 hours in transfer and I was in Prag at last.




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