
Paris .. .Oh Paris!

I think of myself as a traveler and I have never been to Paris!

I took the opportunity of my visit in Czech Rep and booked a flight from Prague to Paris. The price for was more than welcoming, only 5300 CK ( 215UD) for the return flight.

I found a hostel in the center of town, just few minutes walk from the metro station.
I spent 5 days walking and walking all over the city.

Exploring the narrow and steep streets of Montmarte with it's small cafes. Hiding away from the sun and  feeling the groovy vibes at the Montmarte cemetery, where famous artists rest in peace under the trees in overgrown old graves.


I watched the sun set over the town from the Sacre -Caeur.

I spend hours walking along the river Siene stopping in the Louver, Notere Dame, strolling along the Blvd St. Michell looking for discounted English books in the book stores.


Resting in the gardens of Louve, Luxembourg Palace and Versailles.

Chateau De Versailles

Evenings were about the Eiffel tower and it's light show. The full moon was creating romantic setting. Did you know the tower has a color of milk chocolate?

Milk cholate it is.

Dencers in front of tower. 

Grand Palais at sunset

Eating fresh croissants  that were crispy on the outside but the inside melting in your mouth., was the best start of the day. I even started to drink coffee, just to have an excuse to sit in the small cafes and watch people walk by.
Last few days were all about escaping the crowded and overly touristy sights , looking for the perfect small cafe with good red wine and delicious plates of pate.  Last day, I had lovely picnic in the Louver with cured salmon, selection of cheese, olives, wine, and fresh baguette. Yummy.  

The only annoyances ..... too many tourists, not enough public toilets and too many people bugging you to buy selfie sticks.

Transfer home turned into bit of an adventure on it's own, with the 18 hour delay, as our plane had technical problem. I thing I learned .... don't fly the Czech Airlines and don't fly to/ from Terminal 3 in if you can avoid it.




Modern big city with exotic touch. I flew through Dubai before, but this time I decided to stop over for few days and check it out.

Getting from airport to the city center was easy with the fast and clean Metro. My hotel was 15 min or so walk from the stop and easy to find thanks to google maps on my phone.

I walked into the fancy lobby felling just a little out of place with my backpack. I booked a stay in Marco Polo Hotel. I don't treat myself to 4 star hotels too often so I was excited to be able to do so for only $50 night ( thanks Agoda).

I got a nice upgrade and soon was in a big room with everything I could ask for in it. It was little outdated, but clean and welcoming. Exciting breakfast buffet was included in the price. But the biggest plus was the outdoor pool.

Day one

Gold and Spice Souks in Diera

I left early the first morning to visit the old town Dubai. I walked the small streets of the gold souk, with endless gold jewelry on display in shop windows , than I continued into even smaller and darker streets of the spice souks, smelling and admiring the varieties and colours of the spices. 

That all while the shop owners and street sellers were trying to talk me into coming in the shops to at least look at all what they have in it. Pressure was strong, but I managed to not spend too much money. Of couse I couldn't resist bargaining with the sellers and buying some spices, dates, nuts and tea to take home as presents. 

I left the markets behind and got on Abra ( boat) to get across the Creek and walked to the Metro. The local metro system is easy to navigate and not expensive. Day pass is 22 DHs ( $7). There are few only female and kids trains in the front which are always less busy and free of stinky males -).

I found refuge from the 39C heat in the near Dubai Mall. I strolled around enjoying window shopping and the cold blast of AC.

Afternoon was all about pool time and hydrating. I was starving... oh I didn't tell you about Ramadan!

Ramadan is big in Dubai. Instructed by the hotel staff I knew to wear covering clothing and not to eat or drink in public. Not drinking rule includes water! Restaurants were closed until 7pm. I just couldn't wait for the evening to come when the streets got busy with life, restaurants opened and atmosphere would get festive with people happy and almost euphoric from overeating.

Day two

I staffed myself with breakfast, making sure I ate enough to keep me going till the evening. My laptop decided to die in the morning. Thankfully Dubai is know for it's huge and modern shopping malls. I optioned for Emirates Mall. It is big and even has a indoor ski area! I took my time visiting all electronic shops. Succsess! I have a new laptop!

I stopped in new and impressive Dubai Marina after, but couldn't walk around for too long, the heat was just at it's worst and with all the restaurant closed along the waterfront there were no places to hide from it.

So I returned to the hotel to work on my tan.

I came out again in the evening to pick up my now favorite kebab roll from small shawarma restaurant in Deira and stroll around the streets people watching.

Last day

I spent most of the morning by the pool, saving my energy for the long transfer day. I went out in the evening for my last walk around and than took the Metro to the airport.

It turned out I was flying from the oldest and only terminal NOT accessible by the metro. I had to take a taxi. I optioned for the pink female taxi with female driver, just out of curiosity. I had a good chat with my driver while she drove me to the Terminal 3.

My flight was leaving at 3 am, with stop over in Istambul for long 5 hours. 13 hours in transfer and I was in Prag at last.




Back in the travel mode.... Singapore and Philippines

Finally! I am getting my blog updated. It has been hard work with internet connection painfully slow in Philippines and than my laptop dying in Dubai. I spent hours trying to retrieve my information from my old laptop to my new one. I hope you will enjoy this, even with the month delay.

Back in the travel mode.

I found a cheap flight to Singapore via Melbourne with 11 hours overnight layover.

My trip didn't start the best way. I wasn't allowed to check in when it turned out I actually do need visa to transit in Australia. That is, if your layover is more than 8 hours, mine was 11. There I was at the airport, sad as can be , trying to figure out where to go and where to stay.

Thankfully the airline left my flight open for the next 5 days, I would only pay $75 and be able to use the same flight once I obtain my visa. Great! I spent the night researching and applying for visa and looking for other ways to get out of NZ.

It is free for Czech Republic residents to apply on-line for tourist visa for Australia. The process didn't take too long and after 50 min on the phone with the Australian visa department I had my paperwork sorted.

I left for the airport early the following day, allowing myself to have time to deal with possible problems. The customer service representative was nice and friendly ( unlike the unfriendly lady from the night before) and was even willing to make phone calls when it turned out the next available flight to Singapore would be on the 5. June, that is 4 more days of waiting! It would have completely mess up my travel itinerary. Few phone calls later and he was able to put me on a flight to Melbourne, where I would have to stay for 2 days and than fly on to Singapore. It was all sorted and I didn't even have to pay the said $75.

Melbourne, June 2-4

Melbourne was lovely, but weather would not cooperate. It was wet and cold. No photos, I was in a bad mood....

Singapore, June 4th till 5th

I was more than ready to head on to Asia. Checking in at the airport was easy this time. I wasn't paying much attention to my seat number, and only when I boarded the plane did I notice that my seat number is 3F..... Business Class! What! Great!

I am not going to lie to you, I would not spend money for such a luxury, but for now I was happy to stretch my legs and sip on the complimentary Champaign and choosing lunch from a 3 course menu . That followed with more complimentary drinks and lint chocolate. Yummy. I almost felt like this was ...ALMOST...worth the drama and complications.


I only had less than 24 hours for this interesting city.

First thing I noticed is how clean the train is ! It was easy to navigate the train system and soon I was in Little India where I booked a bed in hostel. I instantly liked the neighbourhood. Bright colours and smells of spices. I couldn't resist and had lovely Palak Paneer with garlic Naan bread in one of the busy restaurants. Delicious!

I took the train to the centrum of town to explore. The lights were reflecting in the river and the streets were busy with locals and tourists. I walked for ages and than suddenly felt tired and called it a night in the privacy of my own capsule in the hostel. No party in Singapore for me this time!



Manila, June5th-6th
I had pretty low expectations for Manila. I had to spend the night to catch my flight the next morning. Hour wait for the yellow " official" taxi from the airport in the heat and smog was not the best first impression. My hotel was far from pretty, and the neighbourhood was plain scary. I didn't even feel comfortable to take my Nikon out.


I booked myself a lovely room in a small boutique hotel with zen garden and I finally felt like I was on a vacation. It got better when I got my first massage in Philippines, way worth the $12.

Apo Island

Transfer from Dumangete was easy enough, I took a bus to Mandalay bay and than Liberty resort boat to Apo.

Apo Island is a small Island. There are no roads, just a small village on the beach. It is a popular spot for day-trippers, but it gets quiet and peaceful after 3pm. There is a turtle protection area just of the beach and if you like snorkeling with turtles, it is the spot to be.

I stayed in Liberty resort. My room was cosy and had balcony with amazing sunset view. There are no showers in the resort, so you get to practise your bucket-showering skills.

I signed up for two dives, first one was bit stressful with two, just out of diving school local girls, who had bit of a problem to stay down. Second dive was a win, just me and the divemaster, drifting in the current from Coconut dive spot. Nice corral, nice big fish and turtles.

Sunset times were my favorite on the island. The whole village comes out to hang out on the beach. The sky would turned every shade of  orange.

I was sad to be leaving, but the urge to explore more of Philippines was too strong.


I was the only one with the boatmen on the Liberty boat that morning. So I followed their example and stretched in the shade and watched the Island get smaller and smaller.

I took a tricycle back to town. Catching a boat from Dumangete harbour to Siquijor was easy enough.

Once there, I rented a scooter ( 250 pesos/ $8) and loaded with both my backpacks made my way to JJ's Resort.

Siquijor is known for its black magic and witches.  I was expecting spooky dark place but instead found a relaxing island with nice beaches and waterfalls.

First day I spent 4 hours driving around the island, exploring the beaches, getting my feet nibbled on in the pool by the oldest banyan tree, and swimming in the pools by the waterfalls.

Second day was dedicated to driving on the mountain road across the Island. It took me up to amazing views. Jungle there was dense and bright green. Some parts of the road were washed out and hard to get through.

I washed the sweat and dust in the waterfall at the end. Afternoon was about good food and chilled beer, hanging out with fellow travellers at the Lodge.


Another long day of transit. I returned my bike and hopped on the ferry to take me to Bohol. Once in the harbour, I took a tricycle to Alona Beach.

Alona Beach, what a lovely beach. This was first really touristy place I came to in Philippines. I dedicated my time there to relaxing on the beach and eating good food. I spoiled myself with visits to the spa for massages, pedicure, hair cut.... prices are so inviting. ( $12, $7, $8).

Alona has some good diving. I sampled it with Alona Pirats Divers. Black Forrest was a nice dive spot with good variety of corrals and turtles.

Bohol is know for it's Chocolate hills and the world's smallest primate Tarsier. I rented a motorbike and explored the sided on my own . The drive was pretty challenging in the morning traffic with cars and trucks passing, not giving me much space. But once I got to the mountain road, it was rather enjoyable ride.....as long as I could ignore  the pain in my bottom after 4 + hours, that is.

I stopped at the Tarsier Sanctuary where 6 or so big-eyed cross of monkey and mouse were sleeping on the trees. Cute there are, that is for sure.

Heavy rain hit me just when I reached the Chocolate Hills.

The rain eased up as I headed back towards Loboc. I stopped there for a floating restaurant trip on the emerald green river. I was mad at myself for not reading more about this tour.  The big rafts were loaded  with too many tourists and food that I didn't think was very tasty.  We even had life music. Local musician was singing Elvis Presley's songs, making sure that we would not be able to hear any of the noises jungle has.

I was happy to return the bike and spend the evening hanging out with guys from the dive shop. It made for a fun last night.


I was up at wee hours to catch a tricycle to the harbour and than boat to Cebu. It went smooth and I made it to the airport with plenty of spare time to get on my flight to Puerto Princesa.

Puerto Princesa

I only had one night in this town. I stayed in small hotel near harbour. I was my cheapest accommodation so far at 360pesos. Not bad if you don't mind the smell and the water not having enough pressure to actually work. Back to the bucket shower!

I spent hours walking around town. Princesa has more than few charms.

El Nido

It took me some time to absorb this little town. The beach is not clean or pretty, and the town itself has lots of contraction going on. It is also very touristy.
But the real deal is out there in the sea. Limestone cliffs are  surrounding the area. It is a more tropical sister of HaLong Bay!

I went for a search of a good dive shop and found one small but professional enough in Adventure Scuba. I went snorkeling with them the first day. The weather got crazy and heavy rain made it into adventure. It was so cold we  preferred being in the water which was way warmer than the air. Despite the weather I had great time snorkelling and visiting some of the lagoons and small beaches.

The next morning it looked like the weather cleared and I ended up going on a last minute diving trip. Just me and my DM with my own boat man on our small boat. I had great time. My DM knew a lot about the area and I got to see my first Sea horse and much more. Last dive was in an area with bit of current, the hard work paid off. The underwater life there was spectacular.

It is my third day in El Nido and I am finally catching up with my blog....

...I got distracted again by joining a last minute boat trip. One more day snorkeling with the boys... we stopped on a small beach for rest time and I saw my first huge monitor dragon in the wild.

Day four and I am waiting in the dive shop for the heavy rain to stop so we can head out. I so far spent every day with these guys, diving or snorkeling.

I am leaving tomorrow to Puerto Princesa, than catching flight to Manila and than on to Dubai.