
North Bali


I booked a nice hotel with a pool in Kuta to be able to relax for few days. It served it purpose and after lazing at the pool, strolling down the streets, eating good food and getting massage I was ready to head out to explore Bali.

You can only fall in love with Ubud. The center of art with so much to look at. Streets are full of temples, family compounds and friendly Balinese people.
I stayed in a small home stay and was enjoying the view from my room over the rooftops. I would wake up early with the loud roosters making it hard to sleep in.

I rented a bicycle and explored the city and it's surroundings.

Ubud had few major celebrations going on in the five days I was there.
The cremation ceremony of the royal family member was a huge event. Preparations took several days and it was interesting to watch the progress of building the huge tower and giant bull statue.

On the day of ceremony the body was loaded to the top of the tower and than carried by 300 man to the temple where it was transferred into the bull statue to be burned.
It seemed that everybody who was in Ubud come out to see the Ceremony.  It was bigger than 4 of July if you ask me!

The next morning was last day of local celebration and locals dressed up and went to the temple to give their offerings. Man wearing white shirts, sarongs and bandannas. Woman in colorful sarongs and lacy tops, with baskets full of offerings carried on their heads.

You are welcome to come and watch them, but wearing sarong and sash is required.
Ubud has a great selection of local and western restaurants, the food was delicious.

It is also a good place to get a massage. I got the local lulu treatment that includes massage and flower bath at the end. So relaxing!

Little village in the mountains, with amazing view of the coffee plantations, rice fields and even the far away coast.

It was a great place for hikes around countryside and to  the near waterfalls .

The most expensive coffee...

I met a well traveled couple from Sydney there, who soon became my friends. For someone in their 50's they were in better shape than me and the stories from their travels to Tibet 30 years ago were great over the dinner entertainment.
The first night I was wandering around the village I came across gathering which turned out to be the cock fights. I wasn't brave enough to go and watch alone, but asked Adrian and Anita to come with me the next night.

It was interesting. They let us watch as long as we would not take pictures. Fair enough, after all cock fights are illegal.
They mount a sharp blade on the left foot of the roosters and then let them fight. As soon as the fight starts man ( only man allowed to participate ... and tourists ladies  I guess) bet on the winner . When one rooster  gets hurt ( very soon) and doesn't attack any more, they put big basket over them and the strong one just finishes it. Fast and bloody.

The last day we added Pam from Utah to our group and hired a private car to go to the coast town of Lovina.
We made a little detour to hike 11 km around the near lakes. You were required to hire a guide, but that would be lame so we sneaked in and Adrian was acting as guide. Sure we got lost a little, but after 2,5 hours of speed walking made it to the end of the lake where our driver was already waiting . We were proud and bleeding on spots that blood sucking leeches left behind on our legs.

The fresh local strawberries we bought on the way to Lovina made us soon forget the rough morning.


Lovina doesn't have much to offer. Dirty beaches, little downtown. The highlight for us was staying in a resort that was completely empty, just us enjoying the pool, and nice sunset views of the beach and mountains.
There was a rather big celebration that night in the temple , so we dressed up and went to visit.  Bali sure has lots of celebrations and it it nice to watch the community get together.

Me and Pam said our good byes to A and A and headed to the north west of Bali to Pemuteran.
We found a lovely new hotel with a dive shop. We signed up for diving the next day. Only one dive for me , since I was dealing with a cold and wanted to save some diving money.
It worked out, I was able to slowly equalize and the dive was nice. 27 m, nice reef wall. Living corral, some fish and MY first shark.... Black Tip Reef Shark.

Heading to Java next still in Pam's company.

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