
Fiji one more time

Fiji one more time

Three months in California went by fast and I had great time visiting friends in Coloma. My Summer was full of sun, river, friends, music, pizza and beer.
I decided to change my flight and add few more weeks in Fiji, mostly because I realized how cold New Zealand still is in September. I wanted more sun and beach time and more time with my new Fiji friends!

Waya Island

Fast flight to LA and after navigating through the large and confusing airport was happy to get on the plane. Flight was rather pleasant. I was lucky to have line of 4 empty chairs all for myself. I stretched my legs and slept almost the whole 10 hours.

Fog over San Franciso

Fiji immigration was pretty fast. It was only 5.30 am and we were the only flight inn this early. I had 2 hours to wait for my transfer to the Waya Island.

The Aftershock speed boat was speeding over the big waves, I found a nice seat, where the salt water splashed on my feet. I was loving the views, passing islands, looking forward to be back on my favorite island.

It felt like coming back home while being welcomed by the always friendly staff.

Soon enough I adjusted to my new routine. Morning run on beach, long breakfast, pool time, snorkeling, reading books, fish for lunch, evening walk, happy hour gin&ton, sunset and tasty dinner. Than few more drinks, than good sleep...... repeat... life is simple in paradise.

Baby story
One evening at dinner time, boat came from the village to borrow some  gasoline. They were taking pregnant woman from the village to the nurse at the neighbor island.  They got what they needed and left, just to come back 10 minutes later. It was too late. The woman was in labor.
Luckily there was an American doctor and  German nurse ( with over 2000 labors on her account ) at the resort vacationing.  So it happened that a baby boy was born in the resort's owner's room. They named the baby Dave after the owner, who was there helping to deliver the baby.

Times flies by fast in Paradise. And my 7 days stay was over. I was sad to say good-byes, buy it was time to explore more of Fiji.

Trip to Levuka

 I stayed in Smugglers hostel in Nadi for one night and left early the next morning for bus station. The bus station was the usual controlled chaos. When the bus arrived I learned that Fiji people don't just politely wait, they just push and go for it... so I pushed my way in too and got me a nice front seat.
The 4 hours drive to Suva was relaxing. The flat and dry land around soon change for hills covered in lush green vegetation. The more west we went the more dense the jungle looked.

Suva didn't impress me much, but being honest, I only saw little. I had to catch my bus to take me to the ferry to Levuka. I found the right bus stop and 45 min of bus ride got us to the harbor just in time for the ferry.
It was rather busy, it turned out that there is going to be an important rugby tournament and most of the teams were on the ferry. It only took 45 min on board and we were nearing Ovalau Island. The buses disembarked and headed towards Levuka in nerve-wracking speed on the one lane unpaved and very curvy road.
As soon as we made it to Levuka I knew it was in for a treat.

Levuka, Fiji's old capital

Charming main street lined up with old, pastel colored buildings. You feel like being in a different world all together.
I stayed in Royal Hotel, the oldest operating hotel in the South Pacific. Rooms were charming with it's sloping floors and old furniture.

The town was buzzing with excitement over the big rugby match. I had a blast walking around, taking photos and eating tasty street snacks being sold in front of the stores.

Levuka is not very touristy, so you for sure get lot's of "bulas" from friendly locals.
I had the most amazing fish in coconut sauce in Whale's Tale restaurant. Yummy.
Prices in this little town are very local and it was pleasant to pay only some 40 Fijian $ for room and less than $15 for good dinner.

I explored around and walked up the hills for nice views, even walked on the trail towards the summit of the hill, just to turn around after seeing few spiders the size of my hand.
I had nice few days in this lovely colonial town, where time is for sure a Fiji time.

Caqalai Island
Only 40 min on the small boat, that can only pick you up at high tide and I was dropped off on the cutest paradise Island.

Few yellow huts, small beaches with coconut trees and the fact that there were only 3 of us visiting, made me feel like being in the paradise. I would stroll around the Island( 15 min walk) followed by the 2 resident dogs, who soon adopted me for company for the next 2 days.
When the tide is low, you can walk almost all the way to the Snake Island, which actually had lot's of corral snakes around.

Snake Island

Dinners were lovely and the staff build bonfire for us for the evening. My French friends could play quitare and watching the stars was better than any TV program would ever be. When the fire burned out, we were invited to join the kava ceremony and had lot's of laughs with the local guys.

I left early in the morning on the boat that took me up to the bay and up the river all the way to the  bridge near the island's small airport. I treated myself to a flight back to Suva.

Airport on Ovalau 

I spent few hours walking around Suva. I visited the craft market and bought some presents and than headed back on to Nadi on the bus.

Last night in Nadi, last Indian food for dinner, early night. I was leaving for the airport early in the morning by taxi.
3 hours of flight and I was in Auckland, NZ. Ready for one more season in lovely Kinloch Lodge.



How to describe  this beautiful place. Let me start from the begging.

As soon as we landed we got to feel the humidity while  waiting in long and slow moving  line for the customs.
I found a beaten down taxi to take me to the Beach resort hotel. Small paradise owned by NZ couple. It was a nice transition into holidays mood.

I walked the hour walk into the center the next day, passing the occasional house and men with machete.
The town itself wasn't very special, with tourist shops and lots of traffic. It took me while to find what I came for. The local fruit market. It has been a while since I photographed people so I suddenly felt shy. I soon got over it, locals love to have their photos taken! And they do like to smile.

Island hopping
I bought a pass for the Adventure Flier. I didn't have much time to research all the options, so just got the double coconut pass which included transfer and accommodation. Big mistake. I should know better than buying tourist packages! It turn out they do limit where I can stay and if I wanted to go to the most popular (and nicer) islands I had to pay extra. So if you ever go to Island hop in Fiji,... just buy the boat transfer and book your own accommodation.

Beachcomber Island

My first stop was small Island with Beachcomber resort on it. I don't think I was ever on island this small. It took me 10 min to slowly walk around. Beachcomber has the biggest dorm I have ever seen. My bed in just female section had number 84. It actually was nicely organized and there was only 6 of us, thanks to the slow season. This Island is called the party island and so that is what we did.

Sea Snake was hanging out around the rocky area. 

Staff singing Bula ( welcome) song.

Octopus resort
Next stop was on my absolutely favorite Island of Waya. Octopus resort is set on the lovely beach, with palm trees. We were welcomed with smiles. I felt right at home.
I hiked the steep trail to the view point, explored the beautiful life corral reef just of the beach, drank kava (sedative drink made from powder of the kava plant roots) with the village eldest, watched the traditional dances and even danced with the locals, watched amazing sunset and ate the most delicious food. Having flower behind your ear just to let everybody know you are still single and looking ( left side) or married ( right).  Good times.

View from the challenging hike to the mountain

Kava ceremony in the village

Safe Landing
Was the biggest disappointment .Old resort, with not so white and not so nice beach. Dirty bathrooms and dirty sheets. Let's don't even talk about the food ....
I took the tour to the nearby Blue Lagoon to enjoy lovely beach and snorkeling where the Blue Lagoon movie was filmed.

Next stop was Barefoot Resort. 

Nice backpacker"s spot with 3 beaches and good vibes. It is located next to the Manta Chanel, where elegant and magnificent manta rays come to feed. I was lucky to see three of those huge, but harmless creatures while drift snorkeling from the boat.
The time went by fast, swimming, working on my tan, kayaking around the island and drinking Barefoot wine watching sunset made for lovely time.

Octopus resort for the second time
I got of the boat on Waya Island at Octopus Resort for few more days. Few days turned into 2 weeks. There is something about this place. The way people make you feel at home, remembering your name, smiling and occasionally hugging you for no reason, putting extra flowers on your bed. It was easy to get used to relaxing, running on the beach, snorkeling , watching sunsets with happy hour drink in your hand and socialising at dinner. Sitting with the local guys playing guitars and ukulele, singing and drinking endless Kava till late.

I was sad leaving on the boat towards the main land, leaving new friends behind. I hope I will come back one day and I am sure when I will, it will feel like coming home.

I caught the overnight flight from Nadi to LA. Traveling against time is always interesting. My day lasted 43 hours and I got to see 2 sunsets the same day. One in Fiji and one in Oakland, CA.

I will be in California for 3 months now, visiting friends, but mostly just hanging out in small rafting town of Coloma.
I know I am not much of a traveler lately. All the traveling made me realise that it is nice to find home. I will be flying back to NZ and keep working in Kinloch Lodge, as I rather enjoy my job in the kitchen and it is a great opportunity to recharge on money ( and you need money to travel, you do) .

For now have a lovely Summer ( or Winter in NZ).